TTB KidZ Children's Consignment Sale

It's Charlotte's LARGEST most ORGANIZED Children's Consignment Sale. For 15 years now we have been outfitting families from all over the Southeast with everything young families could ever want or need for the kids. Shoppers from as far as Maryland and Tennessee flood Charlotte for the shopping frenzy that simply can't be missed.
We take over Independence Hall at the Park Expo & Conference Center. It's 80,000 square with more than 100,000 new and gently worn clothing, toys, baby equipment, books, maternity care, shoes, infant supplies, outdoor toys, furniture and sooo much more! If we took all of the clothing and put them on a single hanging bar, it would stretch more than 1/2 a mile long!!
It's FREE PARKING and FREE ADMISSION to all! (We do have special VIP PRE SALE SHOPPING NIGHTS that do require purchased tickets online to get in to shop. Savvy moms know the best gear sells first, so become a VIP and load up and save!)
We accept Cash, Visa, Mastercard, and Discover
From Toys To Books, Trikes To Bikes, it's everything from Tops To BottomZ - TTB KidZ is the one stop shop for the entire season.
For more information on how you can save a TON OF $$$ check us out at: