Now Showing: Duality with a Q&A with the Filmmaker - Pineville Library | Kids Out and About Charlotte

Now Showing: Duality with a Q&A with the Filmmaker - Pineville Library

Duality: A Collection of Afro Indigenous Perspectives is a collection of personal reflections told by individuals of African and Indigenous ancestry who identify as Afro Indigenous across America. The film gives a historical and present-day account of how Afro Indigenous people are and have been reconnecting with their dual cultures. The journey to understanding can be complicated but it brings forth the question: What does it mean to be Afro Indigenous?

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A Q&A with director and producer, Frederick Murphy, will follow the screening! Light refreshments will be provided.


*Times, dates, and prices of any activity posted to our calendars are subject to change. Please be sure to click through directly to the organization’s website to verify.


Pineville Library


505 Main Street Suite 100
Pineville, NC, 28134
United States


(704) 416-3200
Contact name: 
Email address: 
6 pm - 7:30 pm


9-12 years Teenagers Adults & kids together Adults without kids